Somatic Dimension

Refers to body structure, bodily sensations, and memories. It is primarily about achieving and maintaining a relatively high degree of wellness despite a disability disease, or terminal illness.

Somatic refers to the human body, to body structure, and to bodily sensations, feelings—including sexual feelings—and memories. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19), and is the physical expression or manifestation of an individual’s spirit. Subsequently, when the body is injured, as in a motor vehicle accident or by a cerebrovascular stroke, this somatic expression may become distorted or limited. Likewise, if the individual’s soul and spirit are pained, such as in mourning the loss of a dose relative, a predictable somatic expression may be experienced as symptoms of grief.

Somatic transformation is primarily about wellness. Wellness is similar to, but not synonymous with, health, be­cause wellness can coexist with chronic illness, disease, and even terminal illness. Individuals with a high level of somatic transformation can be expected to experience a high level of wellness irrespective of their health status.’2 To experience a high level of wellness, individuals need ongoing transforma­tion in the somatic dimension. This includes the development of virtues such as temperance and physical fitness. It also in­cludes preventive measures such as proper diet, exercise, and sleep, which can contribute effectively to one’s degree of vitality, somatic wholeness, and transformation. However, preven­tive measures do not guarantee wellness, since wellness is not dependent on health status. Finally, individuals with a high level of somatic transformation are likely to have life-affirming attitudes toward their bodies—including sexuality—and will have integrated these attitudes into their philosophy of life.


Temperance:  Moderates the attraction of pleasures and bal­ances one’s desire to achieve good through food, drink, or other sensual pleasures.

physical fitness:  Taking responsibility for one’s own physical health and well-being

transforming cravings:  fasting; single pointed attention; custody of the senses; exercise regimen; commit­ment to simple living

self-activation: Capacity to identify one’s unique individu­ality, goals, and wishes, and then to be as­sertive in expressing and achieving them

self-mastery:  Capacity to achieve a balance of pleasure and self-control over needs, desires, wishes, and cravings.

  • Cultivate your Physical Intelligence
  • Video links to talks on “Theology of the Body”
  • Dialogue with your Body
  • The mystery of your body-Ground of the celebration of Life and Love
  • Pope John Paul II-Theology of the Body
  • Towards Somatic Trasformation

Health Care

  • Cultivate your Physical Intelligence


  • Dialogue with your Body

Somatic Integration

Theology of the Body

  • Pope John Paul II-Theology of the Body