Prefecture of Formation
- Assists the Superior and the General Government in the animation of formation in the Congregation.
- Encourages the process of integral and transformative formation at the general level.
- Promotes a careful vocational selection and a quality formation, which is Claretian, personalized, and up-to-date for the mission.
- Promotes the selection and formation of formators and stimulates and orients specializations in the Congregation.
- It helps in a particular way the Major Organisms most in need.
- Encourages the exchange of formators and professors among the various Organisms of the Congregation.
- Promotes the relationship and communication among those responsible for the Major Organisms and congregational areas.
- See to it that the GPF is applied and evaluated in the Major Organisms of the Congregation.
- Stimulates the elaboration of the initial and ongoing formation plans of the Organisms and the local formation projects.