IV.General Chapters
The first three Chapters were presided over by the Fr. Founder.102

1. I General Chapter. Vich 1859
The I General Chapter, so called Junta General [General Assembly] of the Congregation took place in Vich on 28 May 1859 and dealt with the interpretation of some points of the Constitutions ( “congregantes,” stroll, the
prayer “O Virgin and Mother of God,” fasting, etc…)103 No reference was made to formation.

2. II General Chapter. Gracia 1862
The second General Assembly of the Congregation [II General Chapter] was held in Gracia from 7 to 14 July 1862, as prescribed by the Constitutions.104 It was a very important Chapter in many aspects, but especially in the matter of formation. Concretely:
1st. The category of students was established by means of decrees that amended numbers 5 and 13 of the 1857 Constitutions.105 Therefore, the constitutional text of n. 5106 remained in this way: In addition (theCongregation) will be made up of Priests, Students and Adjutant Brothers.
2nd. Decisions were made regarding aspirancy, noviciate, consecration and definitive incorporation into the Congregation.107
3rd. Lastly, it was requested that the students, who voluntarily left the Congregation or who by their own fault were expelled, should indemnify the Congregation for all expenses and losses incurred during their studies.108

3. III General Chapter. Gracia 1864
The III General Chapter was held in Gracia from 3 to 6 July 1864. Among the matters discussed, there is one of utmost importance, because of the authentic interpretation of our missionary spirit and the indirect reference to formation. We are referring to the attention to seminaries, a new activity that can be accepted in the Congregation under two dimensions: the spiritual direction of the seminarians and the professorship in ecclesiastical sciences.109