1B              XVII GEN. CHAP., Decree on Brothers (1967)

1F              XVII GEN. CHAP., Decree on Formation (1967)

2B              XVIII GEN. CHAP., Decree on Brothers (1973)

2F              XVIII GEN. CHAP., Decree on Formation (1973)

AG CMF   Archivo General CMF. Rome

Aut            Autobiography of our Fr. Founder

CC             CMF Constitutions

CCTT        J.M. LOZANO, Constituciones y Textos [Constitutions and Texts], Barcelona 1972

CF             G. ALONSO, Claretians in Formation, Rome (1990)

ColCC       CMF, Colección de Circulares [Collection of Circulars], Madrid 1941

CPR          XX GEN CHAP., The Claretian in the Process of Congregational Renewal (1985)

CS             ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Cartas Selectas [Selected Letters], ed. prepared by J. BERMEJO, BAC, Madrid, 1996, pp. XLVII, 625.

Dir             CMF Directory (1987)

EA             J.M. VIÑAS – J. BERMEJO, San Antonio María Claret, Escritos Autobiográficos [Autobiographical Writings], BAC, Madrid 1981

EC             J. GIL, Epistolario Claretiano [Claretian Collected Letters] (I-II, Madrid 1970; III, Madrid 1987)

E.C.           J. XIFRÉ, Espíritu de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María [Spirit of the Congregation of Missionaries, Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary], Madrid 1892)

EE             J. BERMEJO, San Antonio María Claret, Escritos Espiri­tuales [Spiritual Writings], BAC, Madrid 1985

FRMC       N. GARCÍA, La Formación Religiosa, Misionera y Claretiana [a circular on Religious, Missionary and Claretian Formation], 5 June 1947: Anales, 39 (1947), pp. 64-118.

GPF           CMF, General Plan of Formation (1994)

MCT         XIX GEN.CHAP., The Mission of the Claretian Today (1979)

OSG          CMF, Ordo Studiorum Generalis pro Missionariis Congre­gationis Filiorum Immaculati Cordis Mariae Virginis [General Regulation of Studies for the Missionaries of the Congregation of Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary] (1929, 1959)

RC             Instruction Renovationis Causam: De accomodata re­nova­tione institutionis ad vitam religiosam decendam (On the renewal and adaptation of religious life) SACRED CONGREGATION FOR RELIGIOUS, 6 February 1969.

RDV          CMF, Resumen alfabético de las Disposiciones Vigentes contenidas en los Capítulos Generales y en las Circulares [Alphabetical summary of the Current Dispositions contained in the General Chapters and in the Circulars], Madrid 1897.

SW            XXI GEN CHAP., Servants of the Word (1991)