Donato Berenguer (+1882), missionary in Chile.

Born in Cedó (Lérida), Spain, he personally knew our Fr. Founder. He was an indefatigable missionary in Segovia and in Chile. He had a strong character, was levelheaded and cheerful, and capable of undergoing the greatest sufferings. He carried out the construction of the temple to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Santiago de Chile; his remains now rest in its presbytery.

Michael Xancó (+1887), a Lay Brother with the reputation of being a saint in Chile.

This saintly brother arrived in Chile with the famous expedition of 1872. Outstanding in him were his deep prayer, his charity and his spirit of sacrifice. He was the personification of the ideal brother. God granted him extraordinary gifts and graces. He died in Curicó in 1887 and his cause has already been introduced in Rome.

Diego Gavín (+1893), an indefatigable missionary.

Fr. Gavín was one of the best missionaries the Congregation had in its beginnings. He made his profession in the hands of our Fr. Founder in 1864. He immediately went with the Founder himself and with the Subdirector General to Segovia and from there he devoted himself for thirty years to preaching throughout Spain. He founded the houses of Barbastro, Calahorra, Pamplona, Alagón and Bilbao and initiated the minor seminaries or schools for postulants.

Paul Vallier (+1895), front line missionary in Chile.

He was born in Huesca in 1833. Six months after he started the noviciate with the Dominicans in 1860, Paul Vallier left the Order to return to the diocesan seminary. In 1864 Fr. Xifré admitted him in the Congregation. During that year of his noviciate he had the privilege of living with our Fr. Founder for three months, during which time he accompanied the Founder in giving Spiritual Exercises to priests. He held several positions in formation and government. He founded the Congregation in Chile, where he had to overcome many difficulties. He was a Visitor and attended two General Chapters. He was loved and respected, and was the soul of that group of genial missionaries who constitute the glory of the Congregation in Chile.

Julian Butrón (+1901), venerated in Portugal.

Born in Rigoitia (Vizcaya) in 1874, he entered the Claretian Congregation at the age of 12. Right after his ordination to the priesthood in 1899, he was sent to Portugal. With great zeal he dedicated himself to the ministry, especially that of hearing confessions and giving popular missions. He died very young, exhausted by fatigue and a sudden illness in 1901. He was buried in Vila Cha de Beira. His body was found intact in 1922. Since then, many people visit his urn where he can be seen, and both believers and unbelievers find great peace.

Mariano Avellana (+1904), a holy missionary in Chile.

He was born in Almudévar (Huesca), Spain, in 1844. In 1868 he was ordained as a diocesan priest on 19 September, the day of the revolt of Cádiz. In 1870 Fr. Avellana joined the Claretian Missionaries in Prades, (France). There he chose his motto: “either a saint or dead.” He was never to return to his country. In 1873 he was assigned to Chile. For 30 years he was the apostle of Northern Chile, where he was known as “the holy Fr. Mariano.” Nothing stopped his gigantic missionary spirit that reached also hospitals and prisons. Notwithstanding a big open wound in his leg, he never ceased in his apostolic zeal. He received veritable inspirations from God and he had made a resolution always to do what was more perfect. He died in the hospital of Carrizal Alto in 1904, commending himself to the Heart of Mary. The process of his beatification is well advanced.

Eusebio Bofill (+1904), a saintly student.

He was a very virtuous young man who died at the outset of his ecclesiastical career as a professed student of our Congregation; he had made his first vows only five months earlier. His motto was: “I will rather lose my skin than my vocation or the observance of the most insignificant rule.” He was humble, kind, self-sacrificing, detached, and had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin and, above all, to Jesus in the Eucharist.

Manuel Giol (+1909), lay Cordimarian spirituality.

He spent his childhood and young adulthood working in the farm. Right after the revolution of 1868 he was forced to enlist in the Alphonsine ranks. Once he entered the Congregation, Brother Giol stood out as a discreet man, kind, serious in his tasks, intelligent and  magnanimous. The secret of his composure lay in his profound spirituality. He experienced inspirations from God, such as the foreknowledge of his impending death, among others. He is a real teacher in the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Joachim Juanola (+1912), a missionary in Equatorial Guinea and a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences.

In 1884 he was sent to establish a foundation in the island of Annobón. Without a house, rejected by the natives, he was isolated for the first three months, together with his four companions. He bravely defended the Spanish sovereignty over the island by displaying the Spanish flag in the Mission; thus  he was able to maintain at a distance the German warship Cyclops that had arrived with the intention of taking over the island. He was the first European to see the king of Moka in Fernando Poo. He wrote a grammar of the Bubi language.

Armengol Coll (+1918), first Bishop of the Congregation.

At age 17 he went to Thuir (France) to enter the noviciate of the Claretian Missionaries. In 1881, at the age of 22, he was ordained priest. At the age of 31 he was designated Apostolic Prefect of Fernando Poo, where he had never been before. Fr. Xifré himself presented him in a circular in 1890. In 1904 Fernando Poo was declared Apostolic Vicariate and Fr. Armengol was designated its first Bishop. Pope Pius X was enchanted with the holiness of this man of God. His enormous work in Guinea did not prevent him from attending several General Chapters of the Congregation. He created the outstanding magazine “La Guinea Española.” He was a man of great virtue and love for the Congregation.

Aloysius Álvarez (+1918), a saintly Mexican Student.

Born in Mexico, he came in contact with our Claretian missionaries very early in life, though he studied with the Marist Brothers and the Jesuits, and then entered the diocesan seminary where he began to lead a highly spiritual life. When he decided to enter the religious life in our Congregation, he went to Spain together with two other companions. His life was a continuous reference to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, to whom he was frequently compared. After some years of intense spiritual life, and when the date of his priestly ordination was already at hand, he died of the flu that he contracted while tirelessly attending to his sick brothers in the community. He was 27 years old.

Isaac Burgos (+1920), first Provincial Superior of Castile.

In 1877 he founded the house of Toledo Street in Madrid; but he was, before anything else, an active preacher and soon he left Madrid. He shone above all by his qualities of government: he was the first provincial Superior of Castile (1895) and visited the houses of Brazil. He became Subdirector General of the Congregation in 1912.

Peter Marcer (+1927), a holy Brother.

He died with the reputation of being a saint in Santiago de Chile. He was highly devoted to prayer, zealous for the glory of God, self-sacrificing and faithful in everything. For 47 years he performed his duties as janitor or receptionist in the house of Santiago, in that sordid quarter of Belén. God had granted him the gift of transforming the reception room into a centre of apostolate. He dedicated himself to the work of preparing many ill-united couples for the legitimisation of their marriage. There were years when he was able to arrange the marriage of more than 500 couples, and never did the number go below 400. He died surrounded by an extraordinary popular reputation of sanctity. The cause of his Beatification has already been introduced in Rome.

Aloysius Iruarrízaga (+1928), a genius in music.

He was born in 1891 in Igorre-Yurre (Vizcaya), Spain. Towards 1904, when he was already in the Claretian seminary, Aloysius began to write music; by the time he was 16 or 17, he already composed several works for several voices. After his ordination to the priesthood in 1916, he was assigned to Madrid as an organist of the Shrine at Buen Suceso. He founded the Higher School of Sacred Music and the magazine “Tesoro Sacro Musical.” Starting in 1921 he was able to transcend the Spanish frontiers to give concerts in London, Paris, etc. In 1927 he established the Polyphonic Choir composed of 80 voices, with a presentation in the La Zarzuela Palace, with the attendance of the King and Queen and some ministers. He had no rest until his death. Side by side with him we can place his brothers, also Claretians, John, Gervasio, Francis, Crescencius and Ruperto, all of them musicians.

Antony Mary Pueyo (+1929), a vocation to bishopric.

Ordained to the priesthood in 1886, as early as 1888 he was already doing marvels in the house of Cordoba. From there he exercised a fruitful apostolate for many years, and restored the church of Saint  Paul in that city. Appointed General Consultor, he was responsible for several foundations, among which were those of Hayes (England) and Paris (France). When there were talks of making him a bishop in Spain, he was assigned to Bogotá (Colombia) where he arrived in 1912. In 1917 he was designated Bishop of Pasto. He gave himself entirely to his diocese where he built many churches. He was always outstanding in his devotion to the Heart of Mary, the Pope and the Congregation.

Michael Palau (+1929), a saint of the little things.

His name was always surrounded by a reputation of holiness. He led a life of extraordinary modesty and prayer, saturated with special graces. He spent all his life among masonry tools, almost always in Cervera where he died. The cause of his beatification has already been introduced.

Felix A. Cepeda (+1930), a Chilean with charism for government.

He was born in La Serena (Chile) in 1854. He was ordained as a diocesan priest. In 1887, after listening, in a church of the Claretian Missionaries of La Serena, to a sermon on the Heart of Mary, he decided to enter the Congregation. Assigned in Spain, he was designated first Provincial Superior of Catalonia. He was also Visitor and Viceprovincial Superior of Mexico and the United States. When he returned to Spain, in 1920 he was elected General Consultor. He wrote many works and died in 1930, away from his beloved Chile.

Francis Naval (+1930), a learned man and a distinguished archaeologist.

Like his brother Antony, he occupied important posts in the Congregation including that of  Subdirector General. However he was known mainly for his vast knowledge and his few but profitable books. It is said that Pope Benedict XV used his “Sermonario Breve” for his allocutions. He also published a “Curso de Teología Ascética y Mística.” He was an institution in the field of archaeology in his time and wrote numerous articles in prestigious magazines. Fruit of his vast knowledge in this field was his book “Curso de Arqueología y Bellas Artes” which also acquired great renown.

Mariano Aguilar (+1931), our first great historian.

Of a great intellectual capacity (he already had three doctorates from Rome before his priestly ordination), he wrote the life of Fr. Claret in two volumes. For this work he was praised by Pope Pius X, by Queen Elizabeth II and by Menéndez y Pelayo himself. Shortly after, he was entrusted with the writing of the History of the Congregation. He was assigned to Peru and later on to Chile where he died. He also wrote other biographies such as those of Frs. Crusats, Sala and Clotet.

Fernando Saperas (+1936), martyr of chastity.

He was one of the martyrs of Cervera. He was born in Alió (Tarragona), Spain, in 1905. While he was a shop assistant in a business shop in Barcelona, he entered the Congregation. The revolution of 1936 caught him in Cervera. In August, escaping from the persecution, he took refuge in La Rabassa, a nearby country house. Soon he was arrested as a suspect during a search. When they tried to force him to blaspheme, he reacted: “I am a religious and I will never do that.” In view of that confession, they forced him to take off his clothes right there in the vehicle. He resisted all pressures. In Cervera, while they were eating, they tried to get him drunk and paraded him through several brothels. When they saw that they could not break his moral stamina, they tortured him to such extent that the prostitutes themselves had to come to his defence. From there they took him to Tárrega. At dawn of the 13th they conducted him to the cemetery. Facing his assassins he asked permission to speak and he said: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Shots were fired and finally he gave his life for his faith.

Jesus Aníbal (+1936), a Colombian martyr.

He was born in Tarso, Colombia, in 1914. He entered the Claretian seminary at a very tender age, and made his first vows in 1929. He was suffering from an acute sinusitis that he bore with admirable patience. In 1935, together with 27 other seminarians, he left for Spain to finish his priestly career. He studied in Santo Domingo and Segovia, and ended up in Zafra for reasons of health. Forced by threats, he had to leave Zafra in May 1936, on his way to Seville and Ciudad Real. Not far from there, in the railway station of Fernán Caballero, on the way to Madrid, he met his death together with his 13 companions. He was the only non-Spaniard among the 273 Claretian martyrs of the civil war.

John Buxó (+1936), physician and martyr.

He was born in Moncada, Spain. In 1895 he began his career in Medicine in Barcelona. In 1905 he obtained the degree of Licentiate and started his practice. In 1914 he entered the Congregation in Cervera. After his ordination to the priesthood, he practised as professor in the university of Cervera; later on he took up teachers’ training. He was always an exemplary man. The 1936 revolution caught him in Cervera. For three months he practised in the hospital serving the sick and during one month he even took care of the person who was to be his own assassin. He was shot, together with ten other missionaries shouting, “Long live Christ the King!” with cross-shaped arms.

Julian Collell (+1937), founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Heart of Mary.

Early in his missionary life he was assigned to Mexico, where he devoted himself to popular missions. In the Carranza revolution he was imprisoned and exiled to USA. He returned to Mexico, ready to promote the “good press.” He was assigned to Puebla where Miss Carmen Serrano collaborated with him in the work of catechesis  and practice of charity. In 1913 she proposed to him the idea of founding a Missionary Congregation that would dedicate itself to the teaching of Catechism to native children and peasant people. After going through many difficulties she was able to establish the Congregation in 1921, and gave it the name of Cordimarian Missionary Sisters.

Antony Naval (+1939), great master of asceticism and a man of government.

He was more renowned than his brother Francis and excelled in many aspects, but especially for his virtue and prudence. Like him, he was also General Consultor of the Congregation. He was an accomplished teacher in spiritual direction.

Manuel Sierra (+1943), a noteworthy musician in Peru.

He was assigned in Peru where he arrived in 1930. He had completed his studies of Gregorian chant with the Benedictines and the other branches of music under renowned masters in Barcelona. He founded the magazine “Tesoro Sacro Musical” and created the Claret Choral Group. He wrote a large amount of musical compositions.

Damian Janáriz (+1947), an apostle of La Ribera (Burgos), Spain.

He was born in Miranda de Arga (Navarre), Spain, in 1870 and entered the Claretian seminary at the age of 12. All his life he enjoyed an excellent health. He was ordained priest in 1894 and was assigned to Chile where he devoted himself to the ministry among the common people and to the development of Marian devotion. Back in Spain in 1898, he established the Visita Domiciliaria, or home visitation of the Lady’s image. In 1904 he arrived in Aranda de Duero where he was to carry out an indefatigable activity all throughout the La Ribera zone. He created a great number of associations and led innumerable vocations to religious life. His biography and photo, as well as those of Frs. John Postíus and Narciso Domínguez, may be seen in the ESPASA Dictionary.

John Postíus (+1952), an eminent canon lawyer.

He obtained the doctorate in both laws in Rome in 1903 and held that chair in Santo Domingo de la Calzada. His main activity however was carried out in Madrid, where he founded the magazine “Ilustración del Clero” and was director of “Iris de Paz.” He promoted International Marian Congresses, and in 1911 he was appointed by Cardinal Aguirre Secretary of the International Congress of Madrid. He became Subdirector General of the Congregation, General Procurator and Postulator of the Cause of our Fr. Founder. He was in charge of the security of the Claretians during the Spanish Civil War, and he himself was imprisoned. He piously died in Solsona. We can find a summary of his life in the ESPASA Encyclopedia.

Joseph Fogued (+1954), first Apostolic Prefect of Tunki (China).

He was born in Ojos Negros (Teruel), Spain in 1885. He had a precarious health and did not especially shine during his studies. After his ordination to the priesthood in 1912 he was assigned as prefect of postulants and of students. In 1929 he was appointed seminary Rector in Kaiffeng (China), where he arrived in October of the same year, together with Fr. Anastasius Rojas. In 1933, after going through a profound loneliness because of the departure of Fr. Rojas, he was sent to the mission of Hweichowfu and, shortly later, to Tunki, which was erected independent Prefecture in 1937 with Fr. Fogued as first Prefect. There he experienced the war with Japan, World War II and the Communist revolution. After unbelievable sufferings and vicissitudes, he was expelled from China in 1952. Back in Spain, he died in the house of Gracia in 1954.

Joachim Mª Sialo (+1957), the first Claretian coloured African.

He was born in the island of Bioko, Fernando Poo in 1899. He studied in our schools and at an early stage he manifested his inclination to the priesthood and went to prepare himself in Banapá, the Canary Islands and Barcelona. He studied for the teaching profession and returned to Guinea. Finally he reached the priesthood in 1929. He was the first Guinean priest. At age 32 he entered the Claretian noviciate in Jerez de los Caballeros. Back in his homeland, he devoted himself to missionary life as an excellent catechist. He wrote in several magazines, especially in “La Guinea Española” and ended his taxing life with the reputation of being a saintly religious.

Isaac Retes (+1959), an artist at heart.

He was gained for the Congregation by Fr. Gavín. He was not ordained to the priesthood until 1930, or 36 years after his profession and after many years of teaching Natural Sciences. After his ordination, he intensely dedicated himself to preaching. But above anything else, he was an artist and, as an artist, he stood out together with Fr. Martin Roure. His favourite inclination was painting. He was a disciple of Manuel González in Seville and painted a great many works about the Congregation.

John M. Gorricho (+1960), a legend of charity.

A man of great activity and accurate discernment. He was made a prisoner of the republicans at the outset of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. In the jail of Porlier –a Calasanz college in Guzmán el Bueno Street, in Madrid— he became the protagonist of an event that took place there, and was described in the daily “Ya” by Javier Martín Artajo. When a lieutenant colonel with nine children was called to be executed, Fr. Gorricho offered himself in his place. He was not accepted by the chief of the militiamen and was sent back to the prisoners’ cells. However, as a result of that gesture, the lieutenant colonel was pardoned. Shortly after that, the rest of the prisoners ended their days in the common grave of Paracuellos. He promoted the devotion to the Heart of Mary and published several books on that theme.

Siervo Goyeneche (+1964), a famous jurist and mitred Abbot of Santiago of the Spaniards of Naples.

Immediately after his ordination to the priesthood in the Claretian Congregation, he was sent to Rome where he received a degree in both laws in 1918 and, two years later, he was nominated professor of the Anselmianum. His entire career was a continuous ascent in the Roman cathedrae. Together with Frs. Maroto and Larraona, he founded the magazine “Commentarium pro Religiosis.” He was a prolific writer and a much-consulted man in the Roman institutions. He was Consultor of four Sacred Congregations and was invited as an expert to the Vatican II Council. He received noteworthy awards. Among his virtues we should note his equilibrium and his kindness, coupled with a great affability.

Dominic Massieu (+1965), a Canarian politician and journalist.

He was born in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, in 1898, studied Law in Madrid, quit his practice to dedicate himself to politics: he successfully led the electoral campaign for the Monarchist Representatives and became deputy mayor of Las Palmas. In 1943 he became a journalist and founded the journal “Hoy.” At age 48 he entered the noviciate of the Congregation, and was outstanding for his prayer, sacrifice and humility.

Aloysius I. Andrade (+1966), minister, ambassador and candidate to the Presidency of Colombia.

He was born in Altamira (Colombia) in the year 1894. Around the age of 20 he went right into the political life of his country. As early as 1919 he was a member of the Parliament. Later on he became Ambassador to the Holy See, Minister and even candidate to the Presidency of the Republic. When his wife died, he asked to be admitted in the Congregation, leaving behind children and numerous grandchildren. He was 64. In 1959 he was ordained in Rome. As a learned man he was enthralling, but his simplicity as a religious was obvious. Back in his country, he never again participated in politics, but dedicated himself to social promotion and the priestly ministry.

Angel Cantons (+1967), a reference in Italy.

He was born in Mollerusa (Lérida), Spain in 1895 and entered the Congregation at the age of 12. His dream was to go to the Missions but he was assigned to Italy. He was a missionary, an artist and a saint. He left behind many spiritual writings. He had a real passion for the Eucharist. He died in Palermo, and the cause of his beatification has already been introduced.

Abel Antezana (+1968), first Archbishop of La Paz (Bolivia).

Born in Taranta (Bolivia), he made his vows in the Congregation in 1911 when he was already a priest. Not long before, the Claretians had arrived in Cochabamba to take charge of the seminary where Fr. Abel was teaching. Once the Claretians had established themselves in Oruro after numerous difficulties, in 1919 Fr. Abel tirelessly devoted himself to missionary work. Then in 1924 he was appointed Bishop of Oruro at the same time that Fr. Raymond Font was appointed Bishop of Tarija. He gave a great impulse to the Missionary Crusader Sisters of the Church. In 1939 he was appointed Bishop of La Paz and later on, in 1924, Archbishop. He became President of the Episcopal Conference and one of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council. He was a great defender of the rights of his people and he professed a profound love for the Church and the Congregation.

Christopher Fernández (+1969), our great historian and biographer of our Fr. Founder.

After receiving his licentiate in classics in Madrid, he went to Santo Domingo de la Calzada as professor. Soon after, he was entrusted with the writing of the life of the then Blessed Fr. Claret and the History of the Congregation which was without any doubt the master work of his life and a continuous reference for any Claretian desiring to know our past.

Arcadius Mª Larraona (+1973), illustrious jurist and first Cardinal of the Congregation.

Born in Navarre, Spain, he entered the Claretian seminary in Alagón (Zaragoza) in 1900 and was ordained a priest in 1911. Immediately he was assigned to Rome where he studied law in El Apolinar college. He was a Consultor of the Italian Province and of the Congregation. In 1929 be began to climb in the Sacred Roman Congregations and in 1950 was appointed Secretary of the Congregation for Religious. In 1959 he was made Cardinal and in 1962 Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. On that same year he was consecrated bishop. He presided over the Liturgical Commission of the Vatican II Council. In 1968 he resigned from his position as Prefect and was appointed camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals. He received numerous awards and distinctions.

Arthur Tabera (+1975), first Bishop of Albacete and Cardinal.

Born in Barco de Avila, Spain, he was soon influenced by a Claretian uncle who brought him to the seminary of Segovia. He was ordained to the priesthood in Rome in 1928. He formed a formidable team of jurists together with Maroto, Larraona and Goyeneche. Back in Spain he became the subdirector of “Ilustración del Clero” and founder of “Vida Religiosa.” In 1946 he was appointed titular Bishop of Lirbe and Apostolic Administrator of Barbastro and in 1950 he became first Bishop of Albacete. From there he moved to Pamplona as Archbishop. He took part in Vatican II Council and in 1969 he was made a Cardinal. In 1971 he was appointed Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship and, in 1973, of the Congregation for Religious. He was a great protector of the Cordimarian Filiation and obtained for it the approval as a Secular Institute. He always kept alive his Claretian identity and his love for the Heart of Mary.

Joseph de Matos (+1976), missionary bishop in Brazil.

He was born in Taiuva (Brazil) in 1918 and was ordained priest in 1945. He devoted himself first to formation and later on to parochial work. He became Episcopal Vicar of São Paulo and later on first Bishop of the new diocese of Barreto. During the three years and two months of his episcopacy he earned for himself the love of his people, integrated the laity, in whose formation he put special efforts, as well as in the care of religious women. Death caught up with him unexpectedly and, at the end of his life, he showed signs of a great Christian spirit and a refined love for the Congregation.

Aloysius Pujol (+1976), founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Claretian Institute.

Born in Taradell (Barcelona), Spain, he entered the Congregation at the age of 12 and was ordained to the priesthood in Rome in the year 1927. On May 25, 1951 he founded the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of the Claretian Institute in Vic, with the help of Mother Mary Dolores Solá.

Alfonso Milagro (+1981), an apostle of the pen in Argentina.

Born in Añatuya (Argentina) in 1915, he was one of the first Argentineans to enter into the Congregation. During his life, he promoted mainly two apostolates: the preaching of the Word and the apostolate of the pen. He published a great amount of books and booklets, and was the promoter of the Claretian publishing house of Buenos Aires. He also devoted himself to the other social communication media like radio and television. He greatly promoted the devotion to Mary.

Gerard Escudero (+1981), eminent master in canon law.

He was a great scholar of Law. He became a Consultor of the Congregation for Religious. In 1960 he took over as director of CLAUNE, giving his full time to helping the enclosed orders. He also was cofounder of the magazines “Commentarium,” “vida Religiosa” and “Claune.” He published a great number of books on religious life and law.

Felix Juaton (+1981), a Philippine promise nipped in the bud.

Born in Ayala, near Zamboanga in Southern Philippines, in 1954, as early as 1971 he was already a student in the Claretian seminary. Soon his missionary spirit begins to bear fruit and he converted five Moslems to the Christian faith. In 1979 his life was about to take a turn when he was elected to participate as a student in the General Chapter in Rome. From there he went on to Spain to finish his studies, and there he made his perpetual vows. In full process of spiritual maturation, while he was preparing his ordination to the diaconate and his return to the Philippines in 1981, he encountered his death in a highway near Colmenar Viejo.

Joseph Mª Torres (+1982), a physician in the Philippines by popular acclamation.

Born in 1910 in Miralcamp (Lérida), Spain, Bro. Torres entered the Congregation in 1921 and made his profession in 1927. In 1937 he embarked with the third Claretian expedition to China where he soon created a dispensary. At that time China was at war with Japan and all over there was famine and death. In 1946 the communist revolt broke out. On November 1, 1952 he left China on his way to the Philippines. From then on, he developed an indefatigable activity in the island of Basilan. He suffered great persecutions. In 1977 they even burned his hospital. A new hospital was his last gift to the Philippines shortly before his death that occurred in 1982.

Gerald Fernandes (+1982), Archbishop and Founder of the Missionary Sisters of St. Anthony Mary Claret.

He was born in Brazil in 1913. He joined the Claretian Missionaries and was ordained to the priesthood in Rome, in 1936. He returned to Brazil where he became a professor and Provincial Consultor. In 1957 he was designated Bishop of Londrina (Brazil) and later promoted to Archbishop. Together with Leonia Milito he founded in 1958 the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of St. Anthony Mary Claret, whose aim was to collaborate with the Church in the expansion of the Reign of Christ. He also held the position of Vice-President of the National Bishops’  Conference of Brazil.

Augustus Andrew Ortega (+1983), our glory in Philosophy.

He was born in Villavedón (Burgos), Spain, in 1904, professed in 1922 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1929. He received the degree of Doctor in Philosophy in the Roman universities, with his doctoral thesis on the analogy of being. He taught in various ecclesiastical centres: Sigüenza, Zafra, Burgos, Granada, Seville, Salamanca (all in Spain) and in Rome. He was a professor and a member of the Institute of Political Studies and organised seminaries in the Menéndez Pelayo University. He found it difficult to write, and therefore he left a scarce literary production. He was a friend of Eugene d’Ors, Zubiri, Conde, Ridruejo, Laín Entralgo, Sopeña, Aranguren, Valverde, Panero… and other eminent Spanish philosophers.

Joao de Freitas Alves (+1984), Apostolic Administrator of São Tomé.

Fr. Alves was born in the island of Madeira (Portugal) in 1930. After he had been Provincial Superior of Portugal, he voluntarily offered himself for the mission of São Tomé and Principe where he went in 1980 and soon after his arrival he was appointed Apostolic Administrator of the mission. All throughout his life he was a model of a Claretian missionary, and he always radiated human warmth, congeniality, openness of mind and heart and a very fine sense of humour. His missionary work in São Tomé was short-lived but very fruitful.

Javier Ochoa (+1989), a well-known jurist.

Born in Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain, Fr. Ochoa was ordained a priest in Paris in 1947. In 1954 he obtained the degree of Doctor in both Laws by the Lateran University in Rome. Later on he became a professor of the same and other universities. He held important posts in the Roman Curia, such as Judicial Vicar of the Vatican City. He was personally consulted by the Pope on the new Code of Canon Law and published books of considerable importance. He also held the position of Postulator of the Causes of Canonisation of the Claretian Congregation.

Jesus Erice (+1990), a life dedicated to the service of the Cuna Indian people.

Fr. Erice arrived to the islands of San Blas (Panama) in 1940. His body now rests in one of those islands, as if it were that of a native Sahila. He developed an incredible missionary activity, founding new houses and building churches. At times, he went to the extent of extracting coral rocks from the bottom of the Caribbean Sea with a simple crowbar, in order to reclaim the sea and build there his missionary centres. He baptised the Nele Kantule, the chief of the region and wrote a grammar and a dictionary of the Cuna language. He elicited some priestly and religious vocations from among the natives and was the first non-Cuna to be buried with the exclusive songs of their dead and side by side with a Sahila who had given his life in defence of a Catholic Missionary.

Raphael M. Nzé (+1991), first Archbishop of Malabo (Equatorial Guinea).

He was born in Bata (Equatorial Guinea). At an early age he entered our seminary and was ordained a priest in Santo Domingo de la Calzada in 1954. He was the second Guinean priest of the Congregation. After teaching in Guinea and Spain, in 1965 he was appointed Apostolic Vicar of Río Muni, which later became the Diocese of Bata. He was the first coloured bishop of the Congregation. Due to the persecution of the dictator Macias, he had to abandon his office in 1974. When the country returned to normalcy, he was restored to his position and in 1982 he was made first Archbishop of Malabo. That year he took charge of the reception of Pope John Paul II in his visit to Equatorial Guinea.

Francis Dirnberger (+1993), the Father of the Congregation in India.

He was born in 1916 in a little German town called Flischberg of Bavaria. He was the 13th child of a peasant family. In the religious atmosphere of his family, his desire to become a priest sprang at an early age. He first entered the diocesan seminary of Regensburg, but he left it for reasons of health. In 1938 he entered the Claretian noviciate. He took part in the World War, after which he was ordained to the priesthood. After holding some posts as formator, he was appointed Provincial Superior. He planned the foundation in India, and later on he offered himself to go there. Thanks to him the Congregation developed there extraordinarily, and he himself was the promoter of many foundations. He liked to be called “Thatha,” grandfather. He died in India and was buried, as was his wish, in the garden of the house of Karumathur.

Thomas Louis Pujadas (1994), a versatile Catalonian.

He was born in 1904 in Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain. He excelled as a writer of numerous works and as a prolific musician and composer. He was a teacher and professor, director of youth and of magazines; he founded the Federation of Friends of the Cinema and was a missionary in Equatorial Guinea and in Darien.

Alcides Fernández (+1995), the Colombian Pilot.

He was a Colombian Missionary in Chocó for many years. He arrived there in a small monoplane using his pilot’s license for the first time. He designed elementary airports along the banks of River Atrato and built villages for settlers of the interior, in the rich zone of the Chocoan Urabá. He came unharmed out of two accidents, one of which wrecked his small plane.

Marcelino Cabreros (+1995), an extraordinary jurist.

He was born in Cerecinos de Campos (Zamora), Spain in 1901. He received his formation in Segovia, Beire and Santo Domingo, all in Spain. In 1924 he went to Rome where he specialised in Law. He taught in our seminaries and in the Pontifical University of Salamanca, where he became Dean. His life was totally dedicated to teaching and he has enjoyed international renown as a professor. One of the awards he received was the Commendation with a plaque of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise. He published many works that were widely circulated.

Alfonso Sánchez (+1997), Colombian bishop.

Born in Bogotá (Colombia) in 1913, he was ordained a Claretian priest in 1937. For many years he was a formator of young Claretian seminarians. He also excelled as a musician. He was the first native Colombian to become Provincial Superior. He co-ordinated religious life in Colombia and in 1969 was appointed Bishop of Alto Sinú.

Joseph Mª Querexeta (+1997), a Prelate in the Philippines.

He was born in Urrestilla (Guipúzcoa), Spain, in 1921. From the tender age of 8 he felt an irresistible vocation towards the missions. In 1948 he was assigned to China, from where he was expelled in 1951. From then on he developed his missionary activity in the Philippines and took charge of the foundation of the house of Quezon City. In 1964 he was appointed bishop of the newly created Prelature of Isabela in the Basilan island. He was outstanding in his dialogue with the Moslems and in the defence of human rights.



First years (1807-1829)
Priest, apostolic missionary and founder (1829-1850)
Archbishop of Cuba (1850-1857)
Apostle in Madrid (1857-1868)
His last years (1868-1870)
Glorified (1950)
Basic Bibliography

The Foundation (1849-1858)
Constitution of the Institute (1858-1870)
First Great Expansion (1870-1899)
Generalate of Fr. Clement Serrat (1899-1906)
Fr. Martin Alsina and the increase of the Congregation (1906-1922)
Fr. Nicholas García’s first mandate (1922-1934)
Fr. Philip Maroto’s short generalate of (1934-1937)
Towards the first centennial of the Congregation (1937-1949)
A new century for the Congregation (1949-1967)
The Congregation renews itself (1967-1979)
The Mission of the Claretian Today (1979-1991)
Servants of the Word (1991-1997)
In Prophetic Mision (1997-2000)
Basic Bibliography

Francis Crusats, protomartyr of the Congregation (1868)
Claretian Martyrs in Mexico
Claretian Martyrs in Spain (1936)
Modesto Arnaus, Claretian martyr in Chocó (1947)
Rhoel Gallardo, martyr in Basilan, Philippines (2000)
Basic bibliography

Cofounders of the Congregation
Superiors General
Selection of profiles
Proper nouns
Deceased Claretian Prelates
Basic bibliography

Claretian Missions in Africa
Claretian Missions in America
Claretian Missions in Asia and Oceania
Claretian Missions in East Europe
Basic bibliography

The Claretian Family
Other members of the great Claretian Family
Institutes related to Fr. Claret
Institutes related to the Claretian Missionaries
Basic bibliography

General Chapters of the Congregation
Important Documents of the Congregation
Social Communication Media
Claretian Presence in the Hierarchy
Evolution of the Coat of Arms of the Congregation
Statistics of the Congregation
Latest statistics