This book deals with the traditional figure of the Claretian formator as prefect and master of novices.  Develop the theme from a historical point of view by tracing the congregational tradition from Fr. Founder to the elaboration of the General Plan of Formation. 

  1. The book has been the fruit of a congregational need. Experience has made me see that the figure of the formator in the Congregation has not always been understood and understood. In the visits to training centres and in the discussions I have had with trainers, the figure of the trainer was sometimes interpreted not in the light of our tradition but rather in the light of the practice of other seminaries (both diocesan and religious). In meetings and training courses, general chapters and individual interviews I have been asked to outline more clearly their figure, role and functions in the training community. Moreover, I have often been asked to make a regulation regulating the relations between the prefect and other persons in the training community, especially the superior and the treasurer. It was requested that the limits of each person’s functions and powers be established in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the performance of the training mission.

            These requests and suggestions have not been the result of a theoretical consideration of problems relating to the trainer. They have originated, rather, in the experience of recent years mainly in the bodies of recent congregational tradition.

Although I have always refused to draw up a regulation,  nevertheless I have done everything possible to illuminate this theme in the task of congregational animation that I have carried out in recent years. The historical notes I publish bear the same intention. The doctrine and guidelines given in the Constitutions and Directory, in the General Chapters and in the General Plan of Formation offer sufficient elements of clarification. To help trainers, I finally present a synthesis of more concrete pedagogical guidelines which can assist trainers in carrying out their training mission.

  1. The objective I have set myself in dealing with the figure of a Claretian formator is to trace the characteristic features of the prefect and the teacher in our Congregation. Features outlined by Fr. Founder, and preserved and updated by the Congregation throughout its history.  It is not surprising that sometimes some repetitions are noticed;  This indicates the historical continuity of our trainer.

            It was not my intention to draw up a pedagogical treatise on our educator.  This is neither the time nor the congregational circumstance to do it.  Now I have simply been interested in responding to a formative urgency: helping to better know the figure of the Claretian trainer so that we can promote a more authentic Claretian formation.  With this I try to make the formators know how to offer, give and promote a true claretian formation with a “claretian style” of forming.

From a practical point of view, I have here collected the material which I have researched in our archives on the subject for several years. Material that has been published here and there in one way or another, depending on the circumstances. Now I present it in a systematic way, from another perspective and giving it intentional unity.

            That the Risen Jesus may send the Holy Spirit, first agent of formation, to all formators so that they feel enlightened and strengthened in the mission of formation entrusted to them. And may the Heart of Mary, our Mother and Formator, continue to accompany you very closely in the tasks of animation and vocational discernment so that you form young missionaries according to the spirit of Saint Anthony Maria Claret, our Founder.

Jesús María Palacios, cmf.

Prefect-General of Training

Rome, 20 April 2003

Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord