Booklet 18: Statutes of the Provincial Prefecture of Formation



1. ‘The present framework of Statutes of the Provincial! Prefecture of Formation is based on our congregational! documents (Constitutions, Directory, Genera! Chapters) and, in particular, on the General Plan of Formation.

2. The framework has to be adapted to the formative situation of each Major Organism (Province or Delegation).


3. The Provincial Prefecture of Formation is a structure of government that is established in the Provincial Government, in keeping with what has been agreed on by the provincial! chapter’.[i]

4. In principle, the specific objective of the Prefecture is to animate and coordinate vocation ministry and the initial and ongoing formation of the Province[ii].

5. In the Province (or Delegation), the area of the Prefecture covers from (vocation ministry to ongoing formation, the initial and ongoing formation, etc)[iii]. (‘Each Major Organism will clearly define the area of formation).

6. The Provincial Prefect of formation heads the Prefecture. However, the final responsibility for the Prefecture rests with the Provincial Superior.[iv] The responsibility for formation in an immediate way and in a habitual form belongs to the Prefect.



7. To inform and advise the Provincial Superior and Government on matters concerning vocation ministry and initial and ongoing formation, and to carry out their decisions and orientations and to plan annually the corresponding activities in accord with the Plan of Action of the Provincial Government.

8. To create a sense of communion and co responsibility among those in charge of vocation ministry and of initial formation.

9. To coordinate criteria and methods in order to achieve an effective vocation ministry and a formation that is unified, gradual and organically articulated in accord with the Plan of Action of the Provincial Government.

10.To see to it that a Provincial Plan of Formation, keyed to the General Plan of Formation, be drafted, and that it be applied and evaluated in the Province.

11.To evaluate periodically the Province’s initial and ongoing process of formation and their orientations as to how it can function better.

12. To inform the Prefect General of Formation on the situation of formation in the Organism.

13.To promote inter-provincial collaboration in the field of formation at all levels[vi].


14. Communicating and relating with the Prefect Genera! of Formation and more frequently with those in charge of vocation ministry and with formators and formandi in our formation centers.

15. Periodically visiting our vocation and formation centers, and collaborating with them in their own activities.

16. Organizing meetings and encounters with the professors and formators of the Province concerning studies and formation.

17. Encouraging ongoing formation in our communities and the drafting of the persona! project of formation.

18. Programming the ongoing formation of the Province, following the guidelines of Provincial Chapters and Government, and organizing programmed activities (courses, encounters, meetings, spiritual retreats).

19. Drafting and offering means and subsidies for formation to individuals and communities.

20. Convoking the Provincial Council on Formation if one has been established, whenever this may be deemed fitting.

21. Drafting and periodically updating the Provincial! Plan of Formation and revising !local formation projects’.

22. To present, each school year, to the Provincial Government for its approval, the annual programming with the concrete names, times and means to carry out the Plan of Action of the Provincial! Government and the economic budget for the exercise.


23. The Provincial! Formation Council is an organ of co-responsibility and participation in formation on the Province level[ix].

24. Its immediate aim is to assure unity and continuity in the Province’s formation and to assist the Prefecture of Formation in fulfilling its formative mission and in carrying out ifs functions and proper activities.[x] It also analyzes and offers solutions for the different problems that come up in the stages of formation, and studies the process of formation with a view to future projections”.[xi]

25. In the Province (or Delegation) the Formation Council is established in the following way[xii] (Each Major Organism must determine):

  • There should be representatives from vocation and youth ministry, from all stages of formation, formators and formandi, those in charge of ongoing formation and of other sectors of the Province.
  • The Prefect may invite to the meetings persons whose presence will be beneficial according to the matters to be dealt with.

26. Its competencies will be the following[xiii] (The Major Organism must decide): (Points, examples)

  • In genera!, to help the Provincial! Prefect in- carrying out his functions and to advise him when necessary.
  • To agree an operative criteria of formation and vocation selection, formation experiences, etc.
  • To assure the unity and gradual application of formation in the Province.
  • To prepare the annual! programming of the Prefecture (vocational, initial, ongoing formation stages).
  • To draft the Systematic Program of Apostolic Initiation for the formation stages’[xiv]
  • To reflect and dialogue on present themes of formation analyzing on how they affect formation in our own centers.
  • To review and evaluate the vocational promotion and formation in the Province.

27. Its functioning will be as follows[xv] (The Major Organism must decide): (Points, examples)

It will meet at least (2,3,4) times a year, convoked and presided over by the Prefect.

  • The Prefect will draft the order of the day, after consultations with the different formation sectors, and will ‘:send it to the concerned parties in advance.
  • One of its members will act in the meetings as Secretary.
  • The Secretary can be designated far (one year, three-year term) by all the members of the Council.
  • The Secretary will take the minutes of each meeting and dispatch to the Provincial Government the matters dealt with that need its approval.


28. Meetings of the Formation Team, mode up of them alone, should be organized to deal with matters within their competency[xvi].

29. The local team of formators should meet periodically to deal with matters within their competency[xvii].


30. Wherever if seems fitting, given the circumstances of the formation center, a Local Formation Council made up of formators and formandi can be established as an organ of the formation community’s participation, co-responsibility and performance[xviii].(The Major Organism must decide)


31. Besides expressing their co-responsibility through representatives on Formation Councils, formandi can also participate in animating formation through other structures that Major Organisms deem most fitting to their circumstances (councils or an assembly of formandi)[xix]. (Each Major Organism must decide)


32. The present Statutes have been approved by the Major Superior with the consent of the Council. They will be operative far (three or six) years and will be revised each time that a new Government of the Organism is changed.

Jesús M. Palacios, C.M.F.

Prefect General of formation, Rome, January 1, 2000

[i] Cf.Dir 412; GPF 248.

[ii] Cf. GPF 260.

[iii] Each Province, in keeping with the Provincial Chapters or Governments can create other prefectures, councils or commissions or secretariats to animate vocation ministry or some other sector of formation

(CF. RG 73; Dir 412; GPF 249, 261).

[iv] Cf. GPF 244-247.

[v] Cf. GPF 263.

[vi] Cf. GPF 273-277.

[vii] Cf. GPF 264.

[viii] Taking into account the different experiences in the Congregation, it is recommended that a Provincial Formation Council be established in each Province (Cf. Dir 166; GPF 265). The establishment of the Formation Council, as well as the nature of its competencies and functioning, will be determined by the Government of each Organism, as expressed in a set of appropriate regulations (CL Dir 166; GPF 268).

[ix] Cf. GPF 266

[x] Cf. Dir 166.

[xi] Cf.GPF267.

[xii] Cf.GPF268, 269.

[xiii] Cf. GPF 268.

[xiv] Cf. CPR 68; GPF 236.

[xv] Cf. GPF 268.

[xvi] Cf. GPF 270.Cf.1F85; GPF271

[xvii] Cf. IF 85; GPF 271

[xviii] Cf.GPF271.

[xix] Cf. GPF 272.