1. Documents of the Magisterium
1.1. Second Vatican Council
1965: Optatam Totius, Decree on Priestly Formation (28 Oct.).
1965: Perfectae Caritatis, Decree on the Up-to-Date Renewal of Religious Life (28 Oct.).
1965: Christus Dominus, Decree on the Pastoral Office of the Bishops in the Church (28 Oct.).
1965: Presbyterorum Ordinis, Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (7 Dec.)
1965: Ad Gentes, Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity (7 Dec.)
1.2. Apostolic See
1961: Sacred Congregation for Religious, Religiosorum Institutio Instruction on the careful selection of candidates to the States of Perfection and Sacred Orders (Feb. 2): Reserved to Superiors and Formators.
1967: Paul VI, Sacerdotalis Caelibatus, Encyclical on priestly celibacy (24 June): AAS 59 (1967) 657-697.
1968: Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, Les petits séminaires, Note on the minor seminaries (23 May): EV 1, 168-200.
1969: SCRIS, Renovationis Causam Instruction on the updating of formation in religious life (6 January): AAS 61 (1969) 103-120.
1970: Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Document on La vocación y la formación de los misioneros (4 November).
1974: Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, Orientaciones educativas para la formación del celibato sacerdotal (11 April): EV 5, 190-194; 195-426.
1981: Congregations for the Oriental Churches, for Religious and Secular Institutes, for the Evangelization of Peoples and for Catholic Education, Documento conclusivo del II Congreso Internacional para las vocaciones (10-16 May).
1983: Codex Iuris Canonici, Code of Canon Law (25 January).
1983: SCRIS, Document Essential Elements of the Church’s Teaching on the Religious Life (31 May): EV 9, 193-296.
1986: Congregation for Catholic Education, Letter on the Admission of ex-seminarians in other seminaries (9 Oct.): EV 10, 949-952.
1990: CIVCSVA, Potissimum Institutioni, Instruction on the formation in Religious Institutes (2 February) AAS 82 (1990) 470-532.
1992: Congregation for Catholic Education and CIVCSVA, Development of Pastoral Care of Vocations in Particular Churches: Past Experiences and Future Projects (1981), 2nd International Congress of Bishops and others responsible for ecclesiastical vocations (6 January).
1992: John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis, Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation on the formation of priests in the present situation ( 25 March):AAS 84 (1992) 658-804.
1995: John Paul II, Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa, (14 September).
1996: John Paul II, Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation, Vita Consecrata, (25 March).
1997: Pontifical Work for ecclesiastical vocations, New Vocations for a New Europe (17-19 May).
1998: Congregation for the Clergy, General Catechetical Directory, Rome.
1999: John Paul II, Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in America, (22 January).
1999: John Paul II, Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in Asia,(16 November).
1.3. Documents of other Organisms and Conferences
1966: I Latin American Congress on vocations (November).
1966: I European Congress on vocations, Rome.
1967: II European Congress on vocations, Rome.
1968: I General Conference of the Latin America Bishops, Documents. Medellín.
1969: III European Congress on vocations, Rome.
1971: IV European Congress on vocations, Rome.
1973: I World Congress on ecclesiastical vocations, Rome (November).
1973: V European Congress on vocations, Rome.
1979: II General Conference of the Latin America Bishops, La Evangelización en el presente y en el futuro de América Latina. Puebla.
1982: II World Congress on vocations, Vocation Ministry in Particular Churches (May).
1986: III Latin American Congres on vocations (April).
1989: Union of European Conferences of Major Superiors of men and women, Contents and methodology of vocation ministry of religious men and women in Europe, Congress of Vienna (October).
1992: IV Congress of the Latin America Bishops, Documents. Santo Domingo.
1994: I Continental Latin American Congress on vocations, La Pastoral Vocacional en el Continente de la Esperanza (Vocation Ministry in the Continent of Hope), (PVCE) Itaici (Sao Paolo – Brazil) (23-27 May).
2. Documents of the Congregation
2.1. Of our Father Founder
1859: Plan de estudios de la Congregación de los Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María {Plan of studies of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary} (12 August).
1860: El Colegial o seminarista teórica y prácticamente Instruido [The Theoretically and Practically Well-Instructed Collegian or Seminarian], Volume I, Barcelona.
1861: El Colegial o seminarista teórica y prácticamente Instruido [The Theoretically and Practically Well-Instructed Collegian or Seminarian], Volume II, Barcelona.
1862: Autobiography.
1862: Reglamento para los Aspirantes, Probandos y Estudiantes de nuestra Congregación y sus respectivos Maestros {Regulations for Aspirants and Students of our Congregation and his respective Teachers} (20 December).
1864: La vocación de los niños: Cómo se han de educar e instruir, Barcelona.
1865: Autobiography (it continues).
1865: Instrucción importantísima para los aspirantes a la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Coarzón de María (It reproduces with some changes the «Instrucción importantísima» of Fr. Xifré written in 1862).
1989: Spiritual and formative texts of Saint Anthony Mary Claret (Gathered by Fr. J. Bermejo in «Notebooks on Claretian Formation», 4A, 4B, Prefecture General of Formation, 1990.
2.2. Of the Congregation
1862: José Xifré, Instrucción importantísima para los aspirantes a la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María {Most important Instruction for Aspirants to the Congregation of Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary} (20 June).
1862: José Xifré, Máximas importantísimas en todo tiempo y para todos los Misioneros, pero con más especialidad para los que están en el año de probación (September).
1864: José Xifré, Instructio pro examine personali eorum qui in Congregationem Missionariorum Immaculati C.B.M.V. admitti postulant (August).
1876: José Xifré, Reglamento especial para la admisión de individuos en clase de aspirantes en las Residencias de nuestra Congregación {Special regulation for admitting individuals as aspirants in Residences of our Congregation} (January 1876).
1883: José Xifré, Relación interesante del origen y objeto de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María. Estímulos y requisitos para entrar en ella {Summary account of the origin and object of the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Motives and requisites for entering it} (1883).
1891: José Xifré, Relación sumaria del Instituto Religioso de los Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María {Summary account of the Institute of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (1 October). It reproduces with some changes the «Instrucción importantísima» of 1862).
1891: José Xifré, Circular letter on Ser fieles a la vocación {Being faithful to our vocation} (23 October).
1892: José Xifré, Espíritu de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María {Spirit of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary} (1892).
1892: José Xifré, Reglamento para los Colegios de nuestra Congregación {Reglatios for the schools or colleges of our Congregation}
1894: José Xifré, Reglamento para los Colegios de Postulantes del Instituto de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María { Rules for the schools of Postulants of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary}.
1897: General Government, Resumen alfabético de las Disposiciones vigentes. {Summary in alphabetical order of the present Dispositions}.
1900: CMF Reglamento para los Colegios de Postulantes del Instituto de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María {Regulations for Schools of Postulants of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary}.
1900: General Government, Disposiciones Generales para los Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María. {General Dispositions for the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary}.
1902: C. Serrat, Circular on the Religious Vocation (24 November).
1906: CMF, Disposiciones Generales Vigentes para los Hijos del Inmaculado Coraón de María {General Present Dispositions of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary}.
1906: General Government, Espejo del Postulante o sea Directorio para los Postulantes del Colego de Vic (The first edition was published between 1906-1912; the next edition, 1917, was extended to all the Schools of the Congregation. Other publishing followed.
1906: M. Alsina, Circular on the Remedies for Discontent in the Religious Life (8 August).
1907: CMF, Reglamento para los Colegios de Postulantes del Instituto de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María { Regulations for Schools of Postulants of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary}.
1912: CMF, Disposiciones Generales basadas en el Capítulo General de Vic del año 1912 {General Dispositions based in the General Chapter of 1912}.
1920: M. Alsina, Relación sumaria del Instituto Religioso de los Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María {Summary Account of the Religious Institute of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary}.
1925: General Government, Codex Iuris Additicii (CIA) (1925, 1940, 1953).
1929: General Government, Ordo Studiorum Generalis pro Missionariis Congregationis Filiorum Immaculati Cordis Mariae Virginis (OSG) (12 November).
1932: Nicolás García, Circular On Formation of our Students (16 April).
1937: Nicolás García, Circular On some Chapter Accords (18 December).
1938: Nicolás García,Circular On the Missionary Vocation (28 May).
1938: Nicolás García, Circular On the behavior of Superiors, Confessors and those in charge of the formation in our Colleges (28 May).
1944: Nicolás García, Circular Father Prefects of Postulants (November).
1944: Nicolás García, Circular On Our Coadjutor Brothers (18 April).
1947: Nicolás García,Circular On Religious, Missionary and Claretian Formation (5 June).
1955: Peter Schweiger, Circular De vocationibus cooptandis, seligendis et de dono propriae vocationis aestimando {On choosing, selecting and fostering vocations, and on esteeming the gift of our own vocation} on vocation ministry (25 August).
1962: General Government, Manual del Seminarista Claretiano {Handbook of the Claretian Seminarian}.
1967: XVII General Chaper, Decree on Formation.
1970: Antonio Leghisa, Circular To all Major Superiors of the Congregation on the «Renovationis Causam» (5 March).
1970: General Government, Decree Application of the Instruction «Renovationis Causam» to our Congregation (27 June).
1970: Antonio Leghisa, Circular Criteria for a good formation on the formation of the Missionary Brothers (24 October).
1973: General Government, Directorio General {General Directory} (6 January.
1973: XVIII General Chapter, Decree on Formation.
1975: General Government, CMF Directory (7 May).
1978: Antonio Leghisa, Circular The Heart of Mary and the Congregation in the Present Moment (3 April).
1979: Antonio Leghisa,Circular To the participants in the Encounter of those in charge of vocation-ministry of Latin America (20 April).
1979: XIX General Chapter, The Mission of the Claretian Today (1979).
1981: Gustavo Alonso, Los Hermanos y la Misión Claretiana hoy {The Brothers and the Claretian Mission Today (119 March).
1982: General Government,CMF Directory (30 May).
1985: XX General Chapter, The Claretian in the Process of Congregational Renewal.
1987: Gustavo Alonso, Circular Espiritualidad Mariana {Marian Spirituality} on the cordimarian experience of the Congregation (19 April).
1987: General Government, CMF Directory (24 October).
1987: Prefecture General of Formation, Notebooks on Claretian Formation (16 notebooks published between 1987-1994).
1990: Gustavo Alonso, Circular Claretians in Formation (22 December).
1991: XXI General Chapter, Servants of the Word.
1992: Aquilino Bocos, Circular The Missionary Testament of our Martyrs (31 May).
1992: Aquilino Bocos, Letter of Father General to the Claretian Missionaries in formation (24 October).
1997: Aquilino Bocos, Circular The Missionary Brothers (2 February).
1997: General Government, In Prophetic Mission.
1998: Major Superiors, Report-Dossier of the Major Superiors Encounter, Bangalore (October).
1998: Aquilino Bocos, Circular Heritage and Prophecy (22 August).
1999: General Government,CMF Directory (16 July).