1. Old Testament
Genesis 12,1-5 (The call of Abram)
15,1-7 (The call of Abram)
45,4-8 (The call of Joseph)
Exodus 3, 1-12 (The vocation of Moses)
4, 10-17 (Moses does want to accept his mission)
Deuteronomy 6, 4-9.20-24 (Love and fidelity to God)
1 Samuel 3, 1-21 (The call of Samuel)
16, 1-13 (Anointing of David)
2 Samuel 12, 1-14 ( Conversion of David)
Proverbs 8, 1-36 (Wisdom calls)
Wisdom 7, 1-30 (Wisdom)
Ecclesiastes 6, 18-37 (Wisdom)
Isaiah 6, 1-13 (The call of Isaiah)
41, 8-16 (Vocation of Israel)
42, 1-9 (Here is my servant.1º Song)
45, 1-6 (The call of Cyrus)
49, 1-6 (Here is my servant.2º Song)
50, 4-9 (Here is my servant.3º Song)
Jeremiah 1, 4-10 (The call of Jeremiah)
20, 7-18 (Confessions of Jeremiah)
24, 1-10 (Parable of the two baskets of figs)
Ezekiel 16, 1-63 (The unfaithful bride, Jerusalem)
Amos 7, 10-17 (The call of Amos)
2. New Testament
Matthew 4, 18-22 (The call of the first four disciples)
5, 13-16 (Salt and light of the world)
7, 15-20 (The false prophets)
7, 21-27 (Wise and foolish builders.True disciples)
8,18-22 (Exigency of the apostolic call)
9, 9 (The call of Matthew)
10, 1-15 (Jesus send out the twelve apostles)
10, 37-39 (The following of Jesus)
12, 1-8 (It is mercy I want, not sacrifice)
13, 1-23 (The Parable of the sower)
16, 24-26 (The following of Jesus)
19, 16-22 (The rich young man)
19, 27-29 (Recompense for detachment)
28, 16-20 (Jesus send the apostles. Universal mission)
Mark 1, 16-20 (The call of the first disciples)
2, 13-14 (The call of Levi)
3, 13-19 (The twelve apostles. Institution)
6, 7-13 (Jesus sends out the twelve. Mission)
8,34-38 (Conditions to follow Jesus)
10, 2-12 (Eunuchs for the kingdom)
10, 17-22 (The rich young man)
10, 28-31 (Recompense for detachment)
12, 28-34 (Love, the greatest commandment)
16, 15-20 (The mission of the disciples)
Luke 1, 26-38 (The vocation of Mary)
1, 57-80 (The vocation of John the Baptist)
4, 16-30 (The anointing of Jesus)
5, 1-11 (The call of the first four disciples)
5,27-32 (The call of Levi)
6, 12-16 (The call of the Twelve)
9, 1-6 (Jesus send the Twelve on a mission)
9, 23-26 (Conditions to follow Jesus)
9, 57-62 (Exigency of the apostolic call)
10, 1-9 (Jesus send out the seventy-two disciples)
14, 25-27 (The cost of following Jesus)
15, 11-32 (The road of the prodigal son)
18, 18-23 (The rich young man)
22, 28-30 (Recompense to the apostles)
24, 13-55 (The disciples of Emmaus)
John 1, 35-51 (Jesus meets the first disciples. Call)
10, 14-18 (The good shepherd)
13, 1-19 (Jesus washes his disciples’ feet)
15, 15-17 (Jesus chooses his own)
20, 19-23 (Jesus sends his disciples)
Acts 9, 1-19 (Saul meets Jesus. Call)
22, 3-16 (Call of Paul)
26, 9-18 (Call of Paul)
Romans 1, 1-7 (Christian call)
8, 28-30 (Called in Christ)
1 Corinthians 1, 26-31 (To whom does God call)
3, 5-11 (Mission of preachers)
2 Corinthians 4, 1-15 ( Sufferings of ministry)
Galatians 1, 11-18 (Call of Paul)
4, 1-7 (Divine Sonship)
Ephesians 1, 13-14 (All called in the plan of salvation)
1 Timothy 1, 12-17 (Call of Paul)
4, 12-16 (Do not neglect the spiritual gift conferred on you)
2 Timothy 1, 6-14 (Do not neglect the spiritual gift conferred on you)
4, 6-18 (Paul at the end of his life)
Titus 1, 5-9 (Qualities of candidates)
Hebrews 5, 1-6 (Priest taken from among men)
10, 5-14 (Vocations of Jesus Christ)
1 Peter 2, 4-10 (The new priesthood)
5, 1-4 (Admonitions to Elders)
2 Peter 1, 3-11 (Call of God who chose you to holiness)
Revelation 7, 9-17 (The triumph)
14, 1-5 (The accompaniment)